Like most neurodivergent people, I’ve had a laser-like focus on the topic of neurodiversity affirming resources since my neurotype discovery. I’ve spent several years scouring the internet, devouring books, listening to podcasts, and joining various on-line communities to learn as much as I can.
Keep in mind that I see adults only (and most clients identify as female or AFAB folk), so these resources are focused towards these populations.
This is only a collection of my favourite ones - maybe the top 10%.. (I haven’t got the spoons to do a more comprehensive one currently).
Other things to note:
This is current as of July 2024
These should all contain clickable links.
Books for Adults
*I’ve chosen Amazon links, since I love how quick they come in the post..
ADHD 2.0: Edward Hallowell and John Ratey
Autism in Heels: The Untold Story of a Female Life on the Spectrum (Jennifer Cook O’Toole)
Back from the Brink: Stories of Resilience, Reconciliation, and Reconnection (Tim Chan and Sarah Chan)
Different, Not Less (Chloe Hayden)Divergent Mind: Thriving in a World That Wasn't Designed By You (Jenna Nerenberg)
Neurotribes: The Legacy of Autism and the Future of Neurodiversity (Steve Silberman)
Nurturing Neurodivergence: The Late-Identified Adults' Guide (Jasmine Loo)
PDA by PDAers:Â by Sally Cat
Square Me, Round World, Chelsea Luker- new in 2024!
Uniquely Human (Dr Barry Prizant)
Unmasking Autism: Discovering the New Faces of Neurodiversity (Dr Devon Price)
Untypical: How the World Isn't Built for Autistic People and What We Should All Do (Pete Wharmby)
Your Brain`s Not Broken:Â Strategies for Navigating Your Emotions and Life with ADHD (Tamara Rosier)
My top pick: - We're all Neurodiverse (Sonny Jane Wise)Â ...I just loved this book, and I love Sonny!
Other Stuff to Buy (Must haves!!)
The Neurodivergent Friendly Workbook of DBT Skills by Sonny Jane Wise (this is an awesome introductory level workbook)
The Neurodivergence Skills Workbook for Autism and ADHD (Monique Mitchelson and Jennifer Kemp - just released on July 1st 2024
Spoon Thieves (and other info packs) by Nurture Clinical Psychology- buy them all!!
These are your basic three items to buy as a starting point. The items below are not necessarily neurodivergent affirming, but they are must-have items at a bare minimum for newly identified autistic folk...
Any smart watch (if you have ADHD especially!)
Books for Parents of ND Kids
I have an interest in neurodivergent kids, and have devoured a lot of books - here are my top ones to recommend...
Dear Parent: Caring for Infants With Respect (Magda Gerber)Â
Elevating Child Care: A Guide to Respectful Parenting (Janet Lansbury)
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk (Adele Faber)*some parts I don’t agree with*
Start Here: A Guide for Parents of Autistic Kids (Autistic Self-Advocacy Network)
Talking with Your Child about Their Autism Diagnosis: (Raelene Dundon)
The Brain Forest (Sandyha Menon)
The Parents' Practical Guide to Resilience (Yenn Purkis and Emma Goodall)
Self-Reg: (Dr Stuart Shanker)
Unconditional Parenting: (Alfie Kohn)
What Every Autistic Girl Wishes Her Parents Knew (Autism Women's Network)
PLEASE don’t get into ABA therapy, ‘zones of regulation’, CBT, and other approaches that are not gentle nor affirming- go with your gut, and what feels 'right' and respectful to your child
The Neurodivergent Woman (Monique Mitchelson and Michelle Livock)- Autism, ADHD and much more (these women are incredible at what they do- you MUST check it out!)
ADHD for Smart Ass Women (Tracey Otsuka)- great for ADHD
Two Sides of the Spectrum (Meg Proctor)- autism and more
Positive Disintegration (Emma Nicholson and Chris Wells)- giftedness
CADDACÂ Centre for ADHD Awareness CanadaÂ
Different not Less: (Chloe Hayden)
How to ADHDÂ (Jessica McCabe)
Let's Talk About ADHDÂ by National Centre for Mental Health
What's It Like to Have ADHD by ADHD Voices
*so many to list - but these are my current 'go-tos', as of July 2024
https://embrace-autism.com/Â (lots of free screening tools!)
https://additudemag.com/Â (excellent ADHD info)
https://reframingautism.org.au (just check it out- great info!)
https://asan-aunz.org 3 (The Autistic Self Advocacy Network)
*the first two listed here are my absolute favourite thought leaders, and wonderful presenters at the 2024 YellowLadybugs conference.
Other Bits and Bobs
I wasn’t sure where to place these - so created a new subheading
Eating Advice for Eating Issues in autistic folk (affirming)
Academic Articles
Are you a research nerd like me? Here are a just a few interesting articles to read (amongst massive lists that I have...)
Eds/hsd and autism - https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7711487/
Diagnosis of Autism in Adulthood - https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/1362361320903128?journalCode=auta
ADHD ‘Mothership’ for Australia - https://aadpa.com.au/guideline/
Another way to look at adhd… https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s41252-022-00244-y AND https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/bjpsych-advances/article/how-evolutionary-thinking-can-help-us-to-understand-adhd/A4BBE292EB44B2230294367A4ACB3F88
Autistic women and camouflaging - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s40489-020-00197-9
How our neurokin connect well with each other- https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/1362361320919286
Is autism a ‘disorder’ of high intelligence?- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4927579/
Please share neurodivergent affirming resources that you've found.